A mindfulness book for Children
Millie and her Mindful of mess
Written by Rebecca Kelly & illustrated by Morgan Waldek
Millie is a young girl who experiences anxiety and big overwhelming feelings. Luckily her wonderful cat Jasper reminds her how to relax and calm her self down. We are introduced to Millies ’Monkey mind’ who stirs up all her worries and fears. Discover how Millie connects to her ’Gentle Turtle’ within to help conquer her ’Monkey Mind’.
Observe Millie as she practices her techniques to manage her thoughts and emotions as she builds her inner strength, confidence and resilience.
Mindfulness is an ongoing practice for us all.
Being present, connected to your breath and detached from your mind is where you find your stillness and peace.
Children not only benefit from Mindfulness in the short term but it also sets them up with skills for life to manage stress, make positive choices and create healthy habits for a happy life!
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Our mission is to create a series of books which are child friendly tackling a variety of emotional, mental and social issues. Our aim is to assist with ‘EDUCATION FOR EARLY INTERVENTION’. We want to promote awareness around these issues before they develop into something more serious. The earlier we can intervene the better the outcomes we see later in life. We want Parents to feel empowered with skills to assist their children and themselves, or feel confident to get the help they require. The early years of childhood lay the foundation for their future with academia, social, emotional and behavioural success. If we can teach children these skills in their formative years, they will carry them through their elementary years and beyond.