RU OK DAY is TODAY! I believe we should be aware of this important question EVERYDAY. But now is the time to ask YOURSELF the question…. RU OK???
How to prepare yourself.
Before we can attempt to help anyone else we need to check in with ourselves. How have we been affected by this years challenging events? Do we need our own help and support? Are we in the right head space to be able to support someone else?
The turbulence of this year has seen a significant rise in mental health issues. Many of us have experienced varying levels of fear, anxiety and stress during this Covid period. Others have experienced job losses, financial strain, poor health and concern regarding the uncertainty for the future.
A recent review found the potential psychological effects of quarantine include depression, PSTD symptoms, confusion, anger and severe loneliness all adding to our pre existing conditions, only exacerbating further the need to talk and seek support.
A CONVERSATION CAN CHANGE A LIFE. Simply asking somebody if they are ok can be life changing, knowing that somebody cares and is there to support them. Being available to listen to somebody in their time of need can be a pivotal moment for that person. It’s not always easy for us to listen, so be aware of trying to problem solve and just be present to hear their story.
Five top tips to help with the conversation:
- Ask yourself am I ok? Am I in a good head space to be able to help another? Am I prepared for a negative response?
- Pick the right time, when you have time to talk and not have to rush off.
- Listen with an open mind, don’t interrupt and allow them to talk. Active listening to their story and not your own.
- Encourage action: what might help them, how would they like change or how to seek professional help.
- Stay in touch and be there for them. Genuine care and concern can make a real difference.
If you or anyone you know is in crisis help is available. Call Lifeline 131114 Beyond Blue 1300224636 or Mensline Australia 1300789978
#YOUCANTALK #suicideprevention #mentalhealth